Lisa E Williams

In years past, I had a few health challenges. Unexpected. Unwarranted. (My numbers didn’t match what they said was happening.) I like good health. Though, I don’t always act like it by my food and exercise choices. Well, some of those medical issues had so-called residual effects that haven’t been […]

Rest is NOT a bad word

If you know me, you know about Hershey. And if you were patient enough to listen to the stories, you know how Hershey changed me for the better. If you’re not a dog person, I know it sounds implausible. However, I assure you it’s accurate, and I probably am not […]

Hershey’s Top 20

Before the holiday shopping rush, I’m doing a little research. How do you really feel when you receive a gift card? How disappointed are you in receiving a gift card and losing the chance to wonder what’s in the box? Friends who know me well have likely been on the other […]

Gift Dilemmas…

Well, are you? Fortified in prayer, that is. Staying ahead of the game. Not allowing so much time to pass that prayer that seems foreign. Somehow, the longer we go without prayer, the harder it is to start again. Hence, the reason folks used to encourage each other to make […]

Are you prayed up?

In corporate America, year-end reviews are upon us. Aren’t they your favorite? Not. Here’s the thing. We love to get on social media and share our best pictures, highlights of life’s celebrations, and details about our worst days. Furthermore, we welcome comments on things we share from friends, foes, and […]

Check Yourself

I hope you feel better. When someone says they are under the weather in some way, or just not feeling themselves, we do hope they feel better. But is that the best we can do? Sure, we don’t want to downplay their feelings. We want to express an acknowledgement of […]

Language of Healing

As a little girl, I was pretty insecure. Nearly every day some form of comparison or ranking made decisions for me about what I dared hope for. In novels, I read about love and happy endings. But my home didn’t resemble the traditional family that usually reaped those happy rewards. […]

Doing the Most

Today, I’m here to discourage you. Yes, you. And no, I’m not having a bad day. But, I had one last week. And the week before that. And sometimes, rather than allow a mood to just “be” until the moment passes, I bulldoze my way through. Assuming it’s just a […]

Possess the Process

I hope you can forgive my attempt at throwback slang. I should know better. It’s not even Thursday! Nevertheless… Over the years, I’ve noticed the different ways children approach their parents to make their requests known. When a child believes they already know the answer is “no,” they come with […]

Why you buggin’?