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Get to Know Lisa E

As much as Lisa loves to laugh, she loves making people laugh even more. Through her messages, she aims to inspire women to see themselves through God’s lens and release the tendency to compare themselves to others.
Look and Live
2020. Look at it. Don’t despise it or cancel it. Sit with this number representing a year of beginnings, endings, challenges, some victories, and many things in between. It’s been tough and often inconvenient. But we have an opportunity; we can choose gratitude. Decide to climb over the fence that seems to keep us isolated […]
Are you working against your new season?
For some people, the beginning of fall carries as much anticipation as January 1st. I’m “some people.” I still love getting new supplies with all the back-to-school shoppers though I’m not officially a student. I get excited when my favorite shows come back from the summer hiatus. I’m not a huge football fan, yet I […]
What are you made of?
On the first day of school in my sophomore year of high school, I entered my English class with a mix of arrogance and expectation. I’d heard different messages about my teacher, but I wasn’t a mere freshman anymore, so I believed I could handle whatever he dished out. We got through the attendance and […]