Monthly Archives: November 2017

In a recent post, I revealed how my move to Florida shifted the way I look at driving. Made me less confident, at first. I won’t recap that entire post here, but I’d like to add to the list of things I imagine Florida driving instructors telling their students. If […]

On the Road Again

My name is Lisa and I’m a dog person. I’m just not too crazy about cats. No disrespect. Part of the reason is, I’m allergic. Secondly, cats just don’t do it for me. However, I was writing at the coffee shop one day and noticed a stray cat outside. The […]

Heed the Warning!

I recently saw Thor. So many wonderful lessons. If only I could’ve taken out my phone and jotted some notes! Most great stories involve taking the main character through an arc called the Hero’s Journey. Each of the stages looks different for each movie, but they have a pattern and […]

Who’s on your team?

In many ways, I’m lazy. I do my best to make the best of my time and be wise with the days and hours I’m given. But, sometimes, I hit snooze rather than getting up early to pursue my dreams. Dreams of being a great writer. Dreams of reading great […]

Are you lazy?