Since moving to Florida,
I’m exposed to species of critters I didn’t care to know existed. Think you’ve seen mosquitoes? Florida mosquitoes are on another level. There are turtles that can fit in the palm of my hand, to those bigger than I could’ve imagined.
I also consider the Florida critters somewhat disrespectful. The alligator that decided to emerge from the pond as Hershey and I passed by? Just rude. The frog on my door as I entered: quite bold. The gecko with the nerve to hover in my closet before escaping to the bathroom, or so he thought? Foul. Ingenious husband to the rescue on that one. Most of all, I think palmetto bugs are from Satan. My loving Father wouldn’t do that to me.
One of the sweeter surprises I got this year involved a strange looking caterpillar. This orange critter with black “hair” all over, moving super slowly called out to me as I dodged stepping on it heading to my car. Did I know it was a caterpillar? Nope. Just figured another Florida critter felt the need to make its presence known.
Days later, I noticed hairy cocoon-like structures in upper crevices of the breezeway as I walked through. How did I see that? I’m vigilant to avoid anything else landing on me, ever. IN LIFE. A story for another day.
More days pass and the “butterfly” that emerged didn’t look like any butterfly I’d ever seen up North. With vibrant colors that could make up a gorgeous dress pattern, the butterfly hung from its cocoon, not quite ready to fly just yet.
In time, only a remnants of a hairy cocoon remained as proof a transition occurred.
The point? I didn’t know the critter was a caterpillar until I was around long enough to observe its transformation process. Ever thought someone would “never” change? Maybe you weren’t the right environment for them to mature & transform.
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And that’s okay! You likely have your ideal environment for growth too.
I’ve been there on both ends of the spectrum: mistakenly engaged with a critter resembling a caterpillar, and coming to quick judgment not realizing a change had begun. Only close, consistent observation will alert you to whether or not there’s a transformation taking place.
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Further investigation turned up the fact that it wasn’t a butterfly at all! It was a polka dot wasp moth. Only in Florida, right?
The wasp moth taught me another lesson about what I think I see. How many times have you looked at someone and thought you knew who they were, only to discover you had it all wrong? For me to uncover the true identity of the critter and the “butterfly” took time, observation and research. Why do we think it takes any less to learn people?
This was serious revelation of something that seems so insignificant and even invisible to so many others who never take the time to notice the beauty of God’s creation…big or small, harmlessly beautiful or annoyingly beautiful, who are we to say that there isn’t a place for any creature. We all have purpose, so don’t be angry because you haven’t discovered yours (it’s not hidden, just uncultivated).