
As a divorcee,  I went through numerous stages after the relationship broke down. Prior to accepting my responsibility in the breakdown, I exhibited a series of behaviors that corresponded to those emotional stages. The behaviors were habits I picked up as a way to either protect myself, or get some […]

5 ways to show WHOLE is your goal

“People think you’re so sweet, but I know the truth.” When my ex said these words, I knew they weren’t true. But momentarily there was something resembling comfort in the idea that instead of being outright rejected by him, I just needed to “do better.” I preferred self-rejection. Unfortunately, a […]

5 Tips to Transform Your Story

Several of my friends forgot my birthday last week. And it wasn’t completely their fault. A couple others had no idea what to get me, or what I’d like to do. Wasn’t their fault either. Long ago, I adopted an unhealthy stance and many times people adapted to my bad […]

3 Ways to Become a WIDE Receiver

Believe it or not, I’m extremely optimistic about whether or not a relationship can make it. However, I don’t necessarily ascribe to the idea of “soulmates.” Accordingly, I tend to be a bit wary of people who’ve assembled long lists of qualifications for a potential mate. I happen to think […]

Soulmates Don’t Exist and Lists are for Groceries