Look both ways

2017 is just around the bend

Are you one of those people who gets frustrated by how early the Christmas decorations appear in the store? That used to bother me until I shifted my thinking. Instead of the appearance of Santa trinkets being a signal that I needed to start shopping, I began to see it as a cue to start planning for the coming year. That process begins with looking both ways.


I look back to assess what I did well and document any unfinished business. However, I don’t let that assessment overwhelm or disappoint me. Instead, I rank the unfinished items in order of importance. Then, looking at each one, I decide if the moment has passed, or if I should pick it up again. Embedded into this flashback is gratitude for what I made it through that year and the people on the journey with me.


After several days of looking back, it’s time to look forward. This is the time to strategically plan for the coming year. It’s also a time to DREAM BIG. What are some dreams & desires you didn’t tap into this year? Why? Are there creative ways you can hit one or two of those targets in the coming year? Coupled with that, think about someone you can pour into this year to help on their journey. (I believe it’s called paying it forward.)


To me, looking both ways before the new year begins is like not only studying for the test in advance, but also getting a good night’s sleep. Studying alone may get you the same result, but it won’t feel as good as the combination of the two.


Be sure to look both ways in the coming weeks. Then rest. With the right preparation, you can cross into 2017 with a plan and with joy! Got questions about how to do that? Comment below or drop me a line at info@lifewithlisae.com. Also, check out this blog post I wrote last year in preparation for one of my most productive years – this one! I hope it inspires you.

All the best,

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