Move Over or Go with the Flow!

Recently I spent nearly 35 hours traveling in a car over the course of 3 days. I generally don’t mind road trips, but this was more time in a car in a short time than I’d ever done. Oddly enough, despite fatigue and stiffness, the bulk of my frustration came from outside the car. However, the length of the journey supplied me with enough time to assess my issues with the other drivers…and get over it.

In the process, a few things occurred to me. That happens when you’re in a car and get increasingly angry about how others are driving their cars. Great opportunity to build a bridge and get over it! I hope you’ll find these tips helpful.

  1. If you’re not driving, learn to support the one in the driver’s seat.

Each of us moves at the pace required for our journey. When I see an opening that I think my husband should speed up and move into, I’d like to tell him that. The problem: we can’t both drive at the same time. Both in and outside of the car, I’ve had to learn to get comfortable with the pace and path someone takes when I’m not driving.

  1. Be willing to admit and adjust when you discover you’re the one disrupting the flow.

One of my biggest pet peeves is people hogging the passing lane on two-lane highways. I’m learning to support other drivers, but I simply cannot condone going slowly in a lane meant for speed!

First of all, it’s often dangerous to pass on the right. Secondly, it’s infuriating to get around someone and see that the path ahead of them was clear, but they were impeding the flow. While I despised it on the road, I know I’ve been guilty of doing it in life. My lesson: it takes humility to move over and allow yourself to be “passed up.”

On that note,

  1. There’s no shame in changing position and allowing someone else to lead for a while.

Every once in a while, someone is going faster than I’m comfortable traveling at that moment. So as above, I should move aside and let them pass. The alternative is allowing someone else’s speed to alter how I handle my own business behind the wheel. If I do that, I have to also be willing to accept the consequences.

We’ve each been given a journey and a timeline. Like cars on the road, we are traveling at different speeds and make various stops along the way. Every once in a while, there’s a crash that affects the cars involved and all the traffic in the vicinity. Sometimes it’s best to stay on course, knowing the path will open up again in time. With maturity, I’ve learned to appreciate certain delays and imagine that they’re for my good.

Despite my lessons from this trip, I have a question/confession. What manner of road-trip-induced hypocrisy is it to – while speeding, I might add – wish a speeding ticket on someone else going faster than I think is acceptable?

What about you? Any road-trip confessions or life lessons you wish to share? Feel free to do so in the comments!

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